More than one way to make a big difference

Financial Contributions

Because we are a 100% volunteer-run organization, we really benefit from financial donations to help run our programs and maintain our collections. And you can benefit too – not only will the HSCC be there for you to enjoy, but also your donations are tax-deductable!

To support the Historical Society with a financial contribution in the form of a personal or corporate check please mail directly to the HSCC or deliver personally during our open hours.

To support the Historical Society with an online contribution through PayPal,  simply click on the button below which takes you to a secure PayPal site. Thank you from all of us at the Historical Society of Cecil County!

Legacy Gifts

The future and success of the HSCC depends on the support of generous donors who believe in our mission to help preserve the history of Cecil County and help support our programs.

Please be part of this enduring legacy by remembering the Historical Society in your will. Regardless of the size of your estate, a bequest is one of the simplest ways to personally make a difference in the future of the HSCC. If you wish to make a bequest, informing us of your plans is a good idea for several reasons. First, it will ensure that we understand your wishes so that your gift will be used exactly as you intend. Second, it allows the Society to make note of your gift as we plan for the future. And finally, it gives us the opportunity to honor you and show our appreciation for your planned gift.

The term “planned giving” also refers to major gifts that involve financial or estate planning. Several other gifting options are available, including charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, gifts of life insurance policies and gifts of tangible property and art. Such gifts can provide important benefits both to you and to the future of HSCC. Gift annuities, for example, may offer tax benefits today as well as a continuing income stream for the donor. Any of the options that you choose will help ensure that the HSCC can continue to provide an insight into the history of Cecil County for generations to come.

The volunteer staff of the HSCC looks forward to working with you and your advisors to structure a gift that will best fulfill your charitable goals. For more information, please call the Historical Society of Cecil County at 410-398-1790 or email from our Contact page.


Sponsorship opportunities are available for individuals and businesses to support major events, to fund capital improvements, to build our online presence, to underwrite ongoing and new educational programs and community projects and much more! Sponsors of HSCC events and programs receive outstanding benefits and recognition as a strong community leader.

Every year, HSCC hosts a myriad of sponsored fundraising events and community programs. We take great pride in recognizing the corporations, foundations and individuals who help make them possible as program and event underwriters and sponsors. Sponsorship recognition can take the form of press releases, photo opportunities, recognition at major fundraising events, event program book recognition and inclusion in other HSCC printed materials. Marketing opportunities range by event but can include a listing on The Inkwell (our newsletter), E-Blasts, targeted direct mailings, print ads (in targeted magazines and local newspapers), Public Service Announcements (radio, TV and online) and Event Calendar listings. As a major event sponsor, the HSCC is committed to working with you to devise a media plan marketing strategy that fits your needs. We’re sensitive to the varying priorities of different funding entities and will work, whenever possible, to accommodate the individual preferences of corporate and other supporters.

For more information, please call the HSCC at (410) 398-1790 or email from our Contact page.

Making a Bequest

Include the Historical Society of Cecil County in your will.

The HSCC has preserved, shared and promoted the history of Cecil County Maryland for decades. Our work continues today to share the many stories and artifacts of Cecil County’s past and to connect with our residents, historians and enthusiasts, and especially our children, to the lessons of history that will enlighten and inform their futures. Together, we can continue our work for decades to come.

To include the Historical Society of Cecil County in your will, please include the following sentence and gift information:

“I give _____________ (specific amount of property, percentage or residue) to the Historical Society of Cecil County, a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization located in Elkton, Maryland, for the general purposes of supporting its Cecil County history based mission and programs. HSCC Tax ID #23-7075378

Historical Society of Cecil County
135 E. Main Street
Elkton, MD 21921
T: 410-398-1790

To receive additional information or assistance regarding making a bequest or other planned gift, please contact the HSCC at 410-398-1790. Thank you.

Annual Giving

Annual Fund gifts, which can be made throughout the year, help guarantee the ongoing operation of the Society and allow the organization to grow. Gifts to the Annual Fund can be made in any amount – your 100% tax deductible gift in any amount will help ensure a vital future for HSCC. Please be as generous as you can and make a donation today. Every gift makes a difference!

The Society begins its annual fund appeals each fall, although annual gifts are welcomed at any time of the year that is convenient for you. For more information about annual giving, please contact the HSCC at 410-398-1790.

Donations to Our Collections

Often, members of the community have items that have been in their family for generations or perhaps they have collected artifacts for years and now want to share those items with the public at large. Whatever the case, if you think you may have any historic item that’s relevant to Cecil County, please contact us. Not only will you receive public recognition for the donation, but you’ll rest easy knowing that your items are being taken care of by people with the training and experience to keep them safe… all while contributing to the cultural enhancement of our community!